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Innovation Network Update | Active Insight

Here are the highlights of our events so far in the 16/17 calendar


Sep ’16


SS Gt Britain

On Sep 29th we met at the historic SS Great Britain, where we were enthralled by Patrick Dunne’s session on Maker-Marketer tensions, regaling us with rich anecdotes and insights that brought to life useful concepts for handling conflict.  Philip Mutton of Frazer Nash shared a case study of how a new product concept met it’s end in a version of the “Valley of Death”, stimulating a rich dialogue about the value of technology road-maps and understanding the risks if the appropriate stakeholders are not involved early on.  And finally we were lucky to have Enrique Garcia, CTO of the National Composite Centre (a subsidiary of the High Value Manufacturing catapult) join us and share how the NCC works to match academic research facilities to businesses to easing their journey through the “Valley of Death”.


Nov ’16

November saw us at the Transport Catapult centre in Milton Keynes, where we heard from their team many fascinating insights about the development of autonomous vehicles and the future benefits to cities.  Helen Scott-Lawler of Burgess Salmon led us into various scenarios in the emerging thought-scape of the risks and legal implications of driver-less pods.  Ben Watson, Innovation Leader, 3M, regaled us with examples of how digitisation is adding benefit materials being developed to bring novel functionality for road safety.

Reproduced with kind permission from Stephen Collins, Cartoonist and Illustrator, stephencollinsillustration.com


Feb ’17

This is our next event – the 23rd, in Newbury: “Leveraging the Law“.  We’re looking at how to collaborate safely with external parties on innovation – contracting clearly and being clear about IP ownership.   Click on the above link to come and be part of it!


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